Congregational Service

Please join us on YouTube for our online church services on Sundays at 10AM!
Due to the current government measures that allow for communal worship to be held so long as COVID guidelines are adhered to, we also meet occasionally at Porchester Hall on Sundays at 10AM! We are meeting for service on February 28th, 2021.
Address: Porchester Rd, London W2 5HS, United Kingdom
Connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to watch live-streams and stay updated on events, or contact for more details!
Much love,
London International Christian Church
Our COVID Re-Opening Guidelines
We are grateful for the current government measures that allow for communal worship to be held so long as the COVID guidelines are adhered to.
Below are some of the measures we as a Church have put in place as we re-open:
Safety Procedures You Can Observe
- If you are currently sick or have COVID-19 symptoms, please do not attend service.
- If you have come into contact with COVID-19 in the past 2 weeks, we ask that you do not attend physically but watch our online service only.
- Those who are at greater risk, i.e the elderly and or those who have underlying health issues, those who feel nervous or uncomfortable about attending Church at this time, we strongly advise that you continue to live stream the services for the time being.
- Please avoid using cash or cheque offerings/donations and give online where possible. If you are attending church and would like to use the giving envelope, please fill out the envelope using your own pen.
Safety Procedures We Will Observe
EVERY PERSON will be required to sanitize their hands on entering the building.
We will be adhering to and practicing the Government social distancing guidelines, including refraining from handshaking and hugging, etc.
Attendees will be seated where possible by family or by their Support Bubble, but with distancing between seats of non-family members.
We have put in place extra cleaning and sanitization of all facilities and common areas before and after each service.
The new lock down measures allow for church services, however it is critical for the safety and reassurance of others that if you attend you MUST wear a mask AND maintain social distancing, along with the other COVID secure guidelines. The ushers have been asked to help monitor adherence to the rules.
As a church we have our COVID risk assessment in place. Please see the government guidelines for more information.