Women's Ministry

“She has done a beautiful thing to me.” Mark 14:6

In a time where women were viewed by most as dispensable property, Jesus valued, cherished, and elevated women in His personal ministry! As quoted by Elena McKean, “Women completed the leadership of God’s people,” all throughout the Bible and even today in the 21st century! Women hold a pivotal role in God’s church as teachers, advisers, and examples of righteousness for other women. What’s remarkable is that the scriptures detail how Jesus’s ministry was designed and executed through totally committed disciples, which also included women in His inner circle!

We see Jesus’s revolutionary vision for women imitated here at the Amsterdam International Christian Church, as our dynamic women’s ministry program is all women helping women live out God’s remarkable plans for their lives! We host women’s Bible studies, Women’s Nights Out, women’s mentorship, international women’s conferences, and many other events all designed to glorify God. We aim to stimulate and support the women in our ministry to thrive, grow, and exceed in their walk with God and in living out their spiritual purpose!

God wants to use women as students, single professionals, mothers, wives, and friends to help change the world through their faith! Join our vibrant women’s ministry program today!

Meet the Sisters

Women's Sermons

Women's Midweek Service

Join us on Wednesday at 19:30
for More Details Please Contact us here

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